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My plain text accounting workflow with hledger

My plain text accounting workflow with hledger

·1084 words·6 mins·
diy tools workflow shell
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hledger and double-entry accounting

hledger describes itself as follows:

hledger is lightweight, cross platform, multi-currency, double-entry accounting software. It lets you track money, investments, cryptocurrencies, invoices, time, inventory and more, in a safe, future-proof plain text data format with full version control and privacy.

What I like the most about hledger is, that it works on plain text files, allowing me to utilize many tools/workflows I am used to:

  • I can grep through my accounting data.
  • I can easily back up my accounting data.
  • I can put my accounting data under version control with Git.
  • I can sync my accounting data with Syncthing.

One thing, that I was not used to, was double-entry accounting. But thanks to hledger, I have now a (very) basic understanding of it. The most important, and probably most confusing, thing with double-entry accounting is that you always have two transactions so that the sum is always zero. Let me explain this for you with a simple example. You buy bread for 2 € and the entry in your journal file would look like as follows:

I have configured my default commodity to € in my journal file with commodity €
2023-03-26 Bread
    expenses:lebensmittel               2
    assets:cash                        -2

You can see that there is a positive amount on my expenses:lebensmittel (groceries) account and a negative amount booked on my assets:cash account. So, my cash account is charged to pay 2 € to the (virtual) expenses:lebensmittel account.

When I receive money, for instance my salary, it is the other way around. The (virtual) account of my company is charged with the amount of my salary that is booked on my bank asset.

2023-03-26 Salary
    assets:bank                1000
    expenses:mijope           -1000
I am no accountant, and this only barely scratches the surface of double-entry accounting and the power of hledger. But it is sufficient for my needs to just track my expenses and my income in the most simple way.

Adding entries

My workflow for adding entries consists of an Alfred workflow1 that runs my terminal of choice, kitty, and executes hledger add.

Adding transactions
In my case, hledger reads the environment variable LEDGER_FILE to get the path to the journal file. Alternatively, you can invoke hledger with -f path/to/your/ledgerfile.

hledger does assist you with auto-completion of accounts and with suggestions based on older entries.

After each year, I point my main.ledger file via symlink to a new <year>.ledger file and start with a new initial balance.

├── 2016.db
├── 2016.ledger
├── 2017.db
├── 2017.ledger
├── 2018.db
├── 2018.ledger
├── 2019.db
├── 2019.ledger
├── 2020.db
├── 2020.ledger
├── 2021.db
├── 2021.ledger
├── 2022.db
├── 2022.ledger
├── 2023.ledger -> main.ledger
├── all.db
├── all.ledger
└── main.ledger

all.ledger “consists” of all my ledger files with the include directive: include 20*.ledger. In the next chapter, I will talk about what’s up with those db files!

Visualizing and Analyzing2

My goal is, to give me the opportunity, to answer the following questions:

  • What is the trend of my expenses?
  • On what stuff do I spend money?
  • Are there any spikes / anomalies?

Naturally, we can answer those questions best with charts and dashboards! What do I need to generate dashboards in an interactive and explorative way? Luckily, there are tools that support business intelligence teams (in a way more sophisticated way) to find answers to such questions3.

My choice fell on the open-source version of metabase which describes itself as follows:

Fast analytics with the friendly UX and integrated tooling to let your company explore data on their own.

You can easily spin up a (non production ready) instance via a single docker container and access its UI at http://localhost:3000:

docker run --rm -d -p 3000:3000 -v $(PWD):/app/data --name metabase metabase

-v $(PWD):/app/data mounts the current folder of your terminal on the Metabase container making the contents available for the application. Metabase can connect to various sources, but we will keep things simple and stick with SQLite. Luckily, hledger provides a command to export your transactions to SQL.

The following command outputs your journal to SQL and uses the output to create a SQLite database4:

hledger print -O sql | sed 's/id serial/id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL/g' | sqlite3 ledger.db

This command creates a database that Metabase can read an query. The fun begins!5


I am still at the beginning of building my queries / dashboards, but so far, it looks promising! Keep in mind that those charts are not static, but can be interactively adjusted. Amounts are blurred out. 😉

Expenses for groceries per month
Expenses for gasoline per month
Both charts in the dashboard view

Running Metabase not locally

I run an Unraid NAS / home lab system with a Docker host included. My data, including my ledger files, is synced to a share on this Server and Metabase is available as community, therefore, with a few clicks installed. The only adjustment I needed to do was to tell the container to mount my ledger folder.

Mounting my ledger folder in the Metabase container

Adding a SQLite database is straightforward. Note that the path in the application is the same as the “Container Path” container configuration.

Adding a database to Metabase

Now, I can add and work with my databases in Metabase running on my home lab and access the dashboards from all my devices. 🚀

One could automate the generation of the SQLite files as well, but for now, I will do this manually whenever I want to analyze my data, usually at the end of a month/year.

Thanks for reading! 🤗

  1. This is my Alfred workflow script which I have mapped to a shortcut.

    on alfred_script(q)
    tell application "kitty" to activate
    do shell script "/Applications/ @ --to unix:/tmp/mykitty new-window --new-tab --title='hledger add'"
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "hledger add"
    tell application "System Events"
    key code 36 -- enter key
    end tell
    end alfred_script
  2. I was inspired by the comments to my qestion on reddit on “How do you visualize / drill down your financial data with hledger” ↩︎

  3. hledger has a quite powerful reporting included. There are various commands to query and filter your transaction and a cheat sheet like this comes in handy. There are also options to output your entries to various formats, including csv and plot your data with e.g. gnuplot. These might be sufficient for you! ↩︎

  4. Refer to this GitHub issue for an explanation of the sed part. ↩︎

  5. See the Metabase docs for more details on how to work with Metabase! ↩︎