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Rootknecht's Blog


Moving from Linux to macOS
·2962 words·14 mins
configuration hardware workflow my experience
In this post, I will explain why I switched from Lenovo laptops running Linux for over a decade to the “arch enemy” macOS.
Building my DIY NAS
·1845 words·9 mins
diy hardware self-hosted linux
Are you planning to get a NAS (network attached storage) because your data is growing? Do you think about building a small home lab? You are a little more technical and not afraid of DIY builds and installing operating systems? Then, this post is for you 🤓 You will read about my requirements and use cases as well as my hardware and software choices for building my first DIY NAS.
An intro to Kustomize
·2380 words·12 mins
Kubernetes devops tools
While in my early days of working with Kustomize, I was missing some condensed practical hands-on how to build deployments with Kustomize and how to achieve common requirements in a multi-cluster setup. In this blog post, I want to fill this gap and give you a somewhat holistic overview of Kustomize.
My Workplace
·1518 words·8 mins
configuration hardware workflow linux
A blog post about my current workplace setup


My Laptop Setup
·1619 words·8 mins
workflow hardware configuration linux
In this post I give an overview of my current Laptop and some of my hardware I use for work.
ErgoDox EZ
·893 words·5 mins
workflow hardware my experience
Impressions about my new keyboard - the ErgoDox EZ
Thinkpad Stories
·552 words·3 mins
diy hardware
Some shenanigans with ThinkPads
Make Windows 10 more Linux like
·1140 words·6 mins
workflow configuration
Trying to make Windows work as a Linux user.
(GER) Mein Weg zum Freiberufler
·1793 words·9 mins
my experience
In diesem Artikel möchte ich meine Erfahrungen und typische Bedenken auf dem Weg zum Freiberufler in der IT schildern.


·588 words·3 mins
devops cloud my experience
What do I understand with DevOps and the related topics Cloud Computing and Infrastructure as Code