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Find my tmux config here and here all of my dotfiles

Why tmux

  1. Multiple shell windows and panes from a single connection
  2. Session functionality that survives disconnects
  3. Session sharing
  4. Plugins extend functionality
  5. Keyboard driven
  6. Highly customizable

Alternative: screen which comes preinstalled on most distributions

Basic concepts

  1. Windows are like tabs in your internet browser
  2. Panes are splits of windows each containing an individual shell
  3. Sessions represent a state of different windows and panes

Starting tmux

tmux # start fresh session
tmux new-session -s NAME # create new session with NAME
tmux a # attach to session
tmux a -t NAME # attach to named session
tmux ls # list running sessions
tmux kill-session -t NAME # kill session NAME


Commands are composed of the tmux prefix (default CTRL+b) and the actual command. Be aware that my config may vary!

prefix ccreate new window
prefix nswitch to window number n
prefix &kill current window
prefix wlist windows
prefix ,rename window
prefix .move window to given number
prefix %split window vertically
prefix "split window horizontally
prefix xkill current pane
prefix ddetach tmux (back to normal shell)
prefix ?list shortcuts
prefix tshow big clock

Command prompt

With :you can start a command prompt similar to Vim’s ex mode. Tab-autocompletion is available


Respawn tmux pane

In tmux command mode

:respawn-pane -k

Set tmux as login shell

In your .bashrc or zshrc

if command -v tmux>/dev/null; then
  [[ ! $TERM =~ screen ]] && [ -z $TMUX ] && exec tmux

Attach to a tmux session within tmux

list sessions

: list-sessions

Attach to session identified by its number

: attach-session -t NUMBER

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