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One year macOS (after 10 years Linux)
·1272 words·6 mins
configuration hardware workflow my experience
In this post I want to describe my experience with macOS and especially “the bad” and “the ugly” topics from last year’s post.
How I handle multiple Git configurations
·679 words·4 mins
shell workflow configuration
I have to handle multiple git configurations for my clients and for my different repositories. Here is how I handle them!
Pre-commit hook for YAML doc-start
·788 words·4 mins
devops programming configuration
In my daily business I have to deal with a lot of YAML files. In my opinion, it is best practice to write --- (three dashes) at the beginning of a YAML file. This post describes how to utilize Git pre-commit hooks to automatically insert --- at the beginning of your YAML files before committing them.


Moving from Linux to macOS
·2962 words·14 mins
configuration hardware workflow my experience
In this post, I will explain why I switched from Lenovo laptops running Linux for over a decade to the “arch enemy” macOS.
My Workplace
·1518 words·8 mins
configuration hardware workflow linux
A blog post about my current workplace setup


My Laptop Setup
·1619 words·8 mins
workflow hardware configuration linux
In this post I give an overview of my current Laptop and some of my hardware I use for work.
Make Windows 10 more Linux like
·1140 words·6 mins
workflow configuration
Trying to make Windows work as a Linux user.