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List network resources of a webpage via a script
·598 words·3 mins
web programming tools
Due to recent written warnings because of including Google fonts I wrote a little python script that checks the resources, like fonts, a webpage loads.
Check the connection to Redis
·293 words·2 mins
shell programming devops golang
Recently, I had to check the connectivity to a Redis 6 TLS enabled and password protected instance. In this post, I want to give you an overview of the different approaches to verify if a Redis is up and reachable.
Pre-commit hook for YAML doc-start
·788 words·4 mins
devops programming configuration
In my daily business I have to deal with a lot of YAML files. In my opinion, it is best practice to write --- (three dashes) at the beginning of a YAML file. This post describes how to utilize Git pre-commit hooks to automatically insert --- at the beginning of your YAML files before committing them.
Single binary web app with Gin-Gonic
·783 words·4 mins
tools golang programming
What is so special about a single binary with Go you might ask? That is nothing special and a major feature of Go out of the box. Things change when you want to bundle template files and static assets for your Gin-Gonic web application in one binary. In this post I’ll explain how I built a single binary web application with HTML templates, CSS, JS and more included.


Monitoring Java Spring Boot with Prometheus
·19 words·1 min
java monitoring programming
Minimalistic Java Spring Boot application coming with a preconfigured Prometheus and Grafana allowing to get insights of your application as well as OS and container metrics.