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Easy reverse proxy with Caddy
·627 words·3 mins
self-hosted tools devops
Imagine you require a simple reverse proxy for one of your servers but you don’t have the permission to install Nginx, Apache etc. Or you really just need a simple proxy and don’t want to mess around with proxy configuration. In this post we will have a look for an comparatively new proxy called Caddy which is a perfect match for this scenario.
Building your own news service with Huginn
·1056 words·5 mins
diy tools self-hosted
I am (still) a big fan of RSS feeds, and I have built a neat collection of feeds on my self-hosted Tiny Tiny RSS. However, not all interesting blogs do offer an RSS feed. In this post, I will show you how I generate my own RSS feed from those blogs via Huginn.


Building my DIY NAS
·1845 words·9 mins
diy hardware self-hosted linux
Are you planning to get a NAS (network attached storage) because your data is growing? Do you think about building a small home lab? You are a little more technical and not afraid of DIY builds and installing operating systems? Then, this post is for you 🤓 You will read about my requirements and use cases as well as my hardware and software choices for building my first DIY NAS.


How is this page built (and why)
·498 words·3 mins
web self-hosted
In this article I explain why I have chosen Grav CMS, maybe a rather unknown solution, for