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How to not accidentally delete your data with rm
·598 words·3 mins
workflow linux shell
In this blog post, I want to illustrate technical and “organizational” strategies to prevent you from accidentally deleting your $HOME (guess who has achieved this medal 🙈).
My plain text accounting workflow with hledger
·1084 words·6 mins
diy tools workflow shell
As you probably know, I am a big fan of the plain text file format. Whenever there is the possibility of a solution based upon plain text files, I’ll (likely) take it. In this post, I will explain how I follow this principle with my personal accounting workflow.


How I handle multiple Git configurations
·679 words·4 mins
shell workflow configuration
I have to handle multiple git configurations for my clients and for my different repositories. Here is how I handle them!
Check the connection to Redis
·293 words·2 mins
shell programming devops golang
Recently, I had to check the connectivity to a Redis 6 TLS enabled and password protected instance. In this post, I want to give you an overview of the different approaches to verify if a Redis is up and reachable.