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Business Logic in Nginx
·449 words·3 mins
devops tools web
Nginx is a popular Web-server/-proxy that is often used to serve frontend applications within a Docker container. But did you know that you can also implement some (business) logic with Nginx? Here is how!
Hands-on Nomad
·1592 words·8 mins
devops tools cloud docker
I have been working with Kubernetes as a container orchestration tool for years. Although I think Kubernetes is a great tool if it solves the issues it was meant to solve it also comes with, at least one 😀, issue - Kubernetes is a complex tool to operate and to work with. In this post, I describe my first steps to get in touch with Nomad by HashiCorp, which promises to be less complex than Kubernetes.
Patching Binaries for NixOS
·543 words·3 mins
tools workflow nixos
In this blog post, I want to describe a workaround how to get downloaded binaries to work on NixOS.
NixOS as Container Host
·1347 words·7 mins
tools workflow nixos
My first experiment with NixOS was likely in October 2021 😄. Since then, I tried to get used to NixOS and/or Nix as a package manager alternative several times but with little success. In this post I want to illustrate how I finally found a purpose for NixOS and also how this allowed me to dodge its steep learning curve!
My plain text accounting workflow with hledger
·1084 words·6 mins
diy tools workflow shell
As you probably know, I am a big fan of the plain text file format. Whenever there is the possibility of a solution based upon plain text files, I’ll (likely) take it. In this post, I will explain how I follow this principle with my personal accounting workflow.


Testing this webpage (Hurl+Hugo+Docker)
·680 words·4 mins
tools web devops
Recently, I stumbled over Hurl which is an exciting tool in my opinion. To play around with it, I created a sort of integration test for this homepage utilizing Hugo, Docker, GitHub actions, and Hurl.
List network resources of a webpage via a script
·598 words·3 mins
web programming tools
Due to recent written warnings because of including Google fonts I wrote a little python script that checks the resources, like fonts, a webpage loads.
Easy reverse proxy with Caddy
·627 words·3 mins
self-hosted tools devops
Imagine you require a simple reverse proxy for one of your servers but you don’t have the permission to install Nginx, Apache etc. Or you really just need a simple proxy and don’t want to mess around with proxy configuration. In this post we will have a look for an comparatively new proxy called Caddy which is a perfect match for this scenario.
Single binary web app with Gin-Gonic
·783 words·4 mins
tools golang programming
What is so special about a single binary with Go you might ask? That is nothing special and a major feature of Go out of the box. Things change when you want to bundle template files and static assets for your Gin-Gonic web application in one binary. In this post I’ll explain how I built a single binary web application with HTML templates, CSS, JS and more included.
Building multi arch Docker images
·265 words·2 mins
devops tools docker
In this post I want to briefly describe how to build Docker images for both platforms at the example of a Docker image for troubleshooting purposes especially within a Kubernetes cluster.