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Business Logic in Nginx
·449 words·3 mins
devops tools web
Nginx is a popular Web-server/-proxy that is often used to serve frontend applications within a Docker container. But did you know that you can also implement some (business) logic with Nginx? Here is how!


Testing this webpage (Hurl+Hugo+Docker)
·680 words·4 mins
tools web devops
Recently, I stumbled over Hurl which is an exciting tool in my opinion. To play around with it, I created a sort of integration test for this homepage utilizing Hugo, Docker, GitHub actions, and Hurl.
List network resources of a webpage via a script
·598 words·3 mins
web programming tools
Due to recent written warnings because of including Google fonts I wrote a little python script that checks the resources, like fonts, a webpage loads.


How is this page built (and why)
·498 words·3 mins
web self-hosted
In this article I explain why I have chosen Grav CMS, maybe a rather unknown solution, for